P2P Information Resources
Meeting minutes, summaries, and presentations for the
Peer-to-Peer Working Group.
Past Activities | Presentations
Past Activities
(title, author, event, date)
- LionShare, Mike
Halm, Internet2 2003 Fall Member Meeting. [pdf]
- Project JXTA,
Juan Carlos Soto, 2003 Internet2 Fall Member Meeting
- Status
of the Internet2/P2P working group and present activities,
Dave Futey, 2003 Internet2 Spring Member Meeting [html]
- Security,
Krishna Sankar, 2003 Internet2 Spring Member Meeting
- Status of
the Internet2/P2P working group and present activities,
Dave Futey, APAN 2003 Conference, January 24, 2003.
[ppt] [html]
- ¿Puede ser P2P una herramienta para la Ciencia y
la Tecnología?, Ana Preston, Jornadas
RedIris - Salamanca, Spain [ppt]
- Internet2 P2P working group: Update and report on
activities, Ana Preston, APAN
2002 - Shanghai, China, 26-28 August 2002 [ppt]
- P2P: An Overview of a disruptive technology, Ana
Preston, TNC2002
- Limerick, Ireland, 3-6 June 2002 [ppt]
- Collaborative
Computing in Higher Education: Peer-to-Peer and Beyond
-- P2P Workshop held in Tempe, AZ in January 2002
- Peer-to-peer and Higher Ed: Perspectives from the
US/Internet2, Ana Preston, APAN
2002 - Phuket, Thailand 22-26 January 2002 [pdf]