Peer-to-Peer Working Group

The Peer-to-Peer WG (P2Pwg) has its beginnings from a grassroots effort to investigate and explore the many aspects of peer-to-peer, beyond the resource management issues that bring the most notoriety. The working group will focus on best practices, trends and collaboration efforts that were seeded in the successful January 2002 P2P Workshop.

Working Group Mission
1. To provide a forum for reporting on recent occurrences and future trends within the peer-to-peer and distributed computing space. The forum may occur at the regular member meetings, at Joint Techs meetings or at specific workshops designated for the topic.

2. To be a clearinghouse for collaborative opportunities within the higher education community and between that community and corporate entities as new peer-to-peer and distributed computing applications and tools are investigated.

3. To provide best practices documents for both resource management as well as innovative uses of peer-to-peer technologies.

4. To provide a central repository for resources and documents related to all aspects of peer-to-peer computing

Working Group Chairs
David Futey <>
Linda Roos <>

Email List
To subscribe to the list, send email to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU
Leave the subject blank. In the text of the message type: subscribe P2P firstname lastname

To send a message to the list, use the following address: P2P@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU

Archives of the P2P list

Other P2P WG Online Services

P2P Discussion Forum is where you can join in interactive threaded discussions about P2P WG issues and topics.

P2P Meeting Minutes is where you can read summaries from sessions at Internet2 Member Meetings and Joint Techs Workshops.




There will be a P2P-WG session at the Internet2 Spring Member Meeting:
Lunch Session with reports from the LionShare Project and Vint Cerf



The P2P WG is working to identify P2P applications for research and education.


There is a Security sub-group of the P2P WG. This sub-group is presently working with the Internet2 Middleware activity.

Resource Management

The P2P Resource Management sub-group is working with the Internet2 Campus Bandwidth Management WG
Campus Bandwidth Management Document (MS Word) (PDF)

Information Resources features an archive of documents, FAQs, past meeting minutes, presentations, and other materials of interest to the P2P community.